Saturday, July 24, 2010

My shark PI.


  1. cool pi emma!! had lots of info!!!!

  2. good pi emma we thought you said sharks to much but other than that it was good

  3. i didn't know much about sharks well done

  4. great pi Emma you did really well. Your information was great but maybe you could have given us a little more information but apart from that great nice. good topic Sophie,Sara

  5. I thought your topic was very interesting Emma, especially since I love sharks too! Your presentation was very good, you did lots of research and wrote it in your own words. Your reading was very clear too. Maybe next time you can have some notes in your hand to read so that you don't have to turn towards your poster to read it. Well done! Miss Morris

  6. Cool PI Emma, We liked the picture of the shark. You need to have more pictures and speak louder. Apart from that It was good!!!!! Well done Emma.
    Grace and Britt =)

  7. this was good emma i like the BIG picture.

  8. good PI we really liked it so much sharks are really scary! We did not know that sharks used 200,000 teeth! We wish we had that many!!
    Libby and Natalya

  9. Well done emma! It was interesting to find out more about sharks and we loved the picture.Is that a cartoon shark emma? We also loved the way you spoke because it was nice and clear.

    Nat and Kelly! =)

  10. great job Emma. You had heps of info and it was interesting But next tim don't turn you back to the audince but good job - Luce, Zia

  11. great pi Emma you've got alot of good we know lots more about sharks than we did before congrats Emma.Thomas Corbin.

  12. Well done with our presentation, Emma. You read confidently, fluently and with good volume. Top reading skills.

    I found your information very interesting, but a term's work should have more in it. Your investigation should always start with a question. It would help you to check the success criteria before and during your final investigation.
